About Pyrolyscience

Pyrolyscience is a contract laboratory & consultancy for analytical pyrolysis techniques such as pyrolysis-GC-MS (Py-GC-MS).

It provides analytical and scientific services for the assessment of the molecular composition of natural organic matter by means of Py-GC-MS (conventional analytical pyrolysis) and THM-GC-MS (thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation). Due to the complexities of pyrolytic reactions, good research in this field requires ample knowledge and experience. As a result these molecular tools are infra-utilized in many fields. Pyrolyscience focuses on providing that know-how, especially in the fields of the Earth and Heritage Science. By engaging in data evaluation up to the final phases of scientific research (publication in peer-reviewed  journals), clients can explore the techniques without investing in equipment or training/hiring qualified personnel.


Pyrolyscience’s mission is to breathe fresh air into analytical pyrolysis applications, particularly in the fields of Earth Science and Heritage Science (in a wide sense: agronomy, archaeology, archaeometry, ecology, limnology, organic geochemistry, palaeoclimatology, petroleum science, soil science, etc.).

Pyrolyscience provides high-quality analysis and data evaluation in the field of analytical pyrolysis, in particular pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) and associated methods such as derivatization-Py-GC-MS (e.g. THM-GC-MS). Analytical pyrolysis is a rapid and straightforward approach to identification of organic polymers and mixtures thereof. These are cleaved by thermal energy in inert gas (pyrolysis) and their products separated by GC and identified by means of MS. Especially in complex samples such analysis allows for a rapid screening of virtually all the organic constituents present in a sample.

Pyrolyscience has experience with the characterization of diverse environments and materials such as soil organic matter (SOM) from soils around the world (drylands, permafrost, paddy fields, colluvial soils, tropical soils, etc.), lacustrine sediments, speleothems, dissolved organic matter (DOM), Blue Carbon ecosystems (coastal plants, seagrass sediments, mangrove sediments, tidal marsh), Black Carbon materials (anthropogenic dark earths, charcoal, biochar, urban dust, ceramics), geological materials (coal, kerogen, amber) and diverse archaeological and historical samples (a.o. paintings, bones, mummies, jewels) (Applications).

Pyrolyscience has active partnerships with the Institute of Agrarian Sciences (ICA-CSIC, Madrid, Spain), Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit-CSIC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain), ECOPAST (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), NOMLAB (Southwest University, Chongqing, China) and Lablicate GmbH (Hamburg, Germany).